New Year, New Product Updates: Is It Time To Modernise?
When it comes to New Year’s resolutions, we commonly hear the phrase ‘new year, new me’. Well how about ‘new year, new product updates’? When it comes to legacy app modernisation, obsolete systems can significantly decrease performance and create loss opportunities. Legacy software is critical to day-to-day operations but it can quickly become outdated. However, you cannot phase out this software completely but it may not be compliant with newer standards. So, what can you do about this?
You must modernise.
If you are wondering whether it is time for your legacy app modernisation, check out our signs when it is time to upgrade your product:
Making Your System Device Independent
The Risk: Decrease in flexibility and productivity
If your software requires its usage only in limited locations, like in the office, you may come across a few challenges with your product in the long run. Nowadays, mobile devices are widely used for work, especially for employees that are working in specific fields like construction or logistics. As the labour market continues to pivot rapidly, many sectors are offering home-office or remote work as a benefit and as 2020 has shown us, adapting to the new normal by offering adaptable software is key to maintain reliable products. Cloud-based and mobile-ready solutions provide flexibility for employees and create more business opportunities.
Minding the Functionality Gaps
The Risk: Wasting time and money on manual work and additional solutions.
Once upon a time, your system may have been sufficient (hopefully), and has met the expectations that you had for the product. Unfortunately, as time flies way too fast, your legacy app can lack functions that are essential in today’s market. You also need to account for processes in your organisation or business that would have gone through changes. While using outdated software you might force your employees to find a way round and proceed with some tasks manually. By implementing new features, you can automate these processes easily.
New Solutions, Lower Costs
The Risk: Unnecessary Maintenance Costs
Legacy software can be costly because of the usage of excessive hardware, as well as the need for highly skilled professionals. Among these expenses, you may also consider loss caused by employees’ frustration and wasted time. Even though legacy software modernisation is a significant investment, in the long run, you will see the return on investment in your system’s efficiency.
Your Product Is Not Intuitive or Useful
The Risk: Awkward Onboarding
Legacy systems usually have robust informational architecture and require additional training for your employees. The systems that our team create are sleek and designed with user’s convenience in mind. While onboarding new tea members, you might waste a lot of time explaining the intricate navigation.
Issues with this kind of training can be especially problematic regarding how often people are changing jobs in this current climate. You need to consider the time spent on introducing every person and the loss behind this process. In addition, potential employees can look for modern workplaces where they can adapt to operating new digital applications.
Your Product Does Not Address Relevant Problems
The Risk: Loss of customers and business efficiency
While you are growing your business, we are sure you have probably noticed emerging issues. Your organisation faces different challenges than years before so your systems need to correspond with your business needs. Product performance issues may intrude into your business, so you need to deal with them as soon as possible. Otherwise, your customers will switch service providers to avoid these disruptions. If your legacy software is crushing, slowing down your performance and creates more problems than it solves, it is time to modernise!
When Your Solution Is Not Adjusted to Add New Features
The Risk: Lack of essential integrations and features
Having obsolete tech stacks and overcomplicated inner architecture for your product can cause issues once you decide to implement new functions. An outdated system might require writing line-upon-line of custom code to add the simplest of features and you do not want to waste your team’s time on that. Integrating your legacy system with future applications should be undisputable. However, it should be noted that integration can be troublesome in some cases, especially with modern tools, so it needs to be assessed on a case by case basis.
Your Legacy Software is Exposed to Security Threats
The Risk: Malware, breaches, data leakage.
Older systems might be more vulnerable to breaches and malware that modern, updated product solutions. Outdated tech can create an opportunity for security threats and disrupt your business and no-one needs that. We build systems that are more secure and designed with current potential threats in mind. For example, your legacy software may underestimate the importance of complicated passwords.
Now is the time to modernize your legacy product! Legacy app modernisation can be a challenge but it is worth the trouble. Thanks to updated and top-notch software developed by our team at Borne, you can seamlessly continue to grow your business.
If this checklist resonated with you and planted the seed to pursue modernising your legacy software, we would be happy to discuss it with you so drop us a message!